Sunday, April 28, 2013

On April 25th and 26th, I was privileged to attend the Texas Library Association Convention held in Ft. Worth, Texas. Some of the highlights include:

Getting to hear five Lone Star authors (all ladies) speak about their books, their writing process, and why they like to write for teens and young adults. The five authors I heard speak were Ally Carter, Tera Lynn Childs, Marie Lu, Mary Pearson and Kiersten White. I got autographs from Ally Carter and Marie Lu. I also got an autograph from Jennifer Ziegler, another author whose book made it to a Texas Lone Star list.

Sitting in on a session with Buffy Hamilton, "The Unquiet Librarian."

Attending the Texas Bluebonnet Award Author Luncheon. The winner of the 2012-13 Texas Bluebonnet Award was Simms Taback for his book Postcards from Camp. Sadly, Mr. Taback died
on Christmas Day 2011. He knew his book had been nominated for the Texas Bluebonnet Award, but he didn't get to live to see it get voted as the favorite book of students in grades 3 through 7.  His editor accepted the award on his behalf and presented a very moving video tribute about his life, books and art. I learned an interesting fact about him, too. Taback designed the first McDonalds Happy Meal box in 1977 since not only was he an author, but a graphic designer!

I also enjoy the time I get to spend with my fellow Midlothian ISD library media specialists and librarians from all across the state of Texas and beyond!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

I've taken a looooong break from blogging, and I think I'm ready to start again!

April is National Poetry Month! On Thursday, April 18th, you can participate in "Poem in Your Pocket Day!" The good folks at explain, "The idea is simple: select a poem you love during National Poetry Month then carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends. You can also share your poem selection on Twitter by using the hashtag #pocketpoem. Poems from pockets will be unfolded throughout the day with events in parks, libraries, schools, workplaces, and bookstores. Create your own Poem in Your Pocket Day event and let us know your plans, projects, and suggestions for Poem in Your Pocket Day by emailing"

Shel Silverstein's poem, "Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out," (and many others of his) have been favorite poems since I began teaching children many years ago. Robert Frost's  "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" reminds me of many childhood winters in Tennessee. His poem, "The Road Not Taken," is a favorite poem of my daughter. Of course, I can't leave out Dr. Seuss!!

What's your favorite poem? Celebrate National Poetry Month and Poem in Your Pocket Day with me!olat explain, "The idea is simple: select a poem you love during National Poetry Month then carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends. You can also share your poem selection on Twitter by using the hashtag #pocketpoem. Poems from pockets will be unfolded throughout the day with events in parks, libraries, schools, workplaces, and bookstores. Create your own Poem in Your Pocket Day event and let us know your plans, projects, and suggestions for Poem in Your Pocket Day by emailing"

Shel Silverstein's poem, "Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out," (and many others of his) have been favorite poems since I began teaching children many years ago. Robert Frost's  "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" reminds me of many childhood winters in Tennessee. His poem, "The Road Not Taken," is a favorite poem of my daughter. Of course, I can't leave out Dr. Seuss!!

What's your favorite poem? Celebrate National Poetry Month and Poem in Your Pocket Day with me!