Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Giving Thanks @ FSMS

I am thankful....
  • For the expression, "Better Late Than Never" - The 2014-15 Password Chart is finally updated with NEW subscription resources. Look for it in your email! I am happy to instruct teachers and students in best practices for these new resources which include:
    • Britannica School Online, which provides STEM and ESL/ELL resources, plus support for Differentiated  & Project Based Learning along with reliable resources for student research
    • Soundzabound, a royalty-free music/sound effects library for students to use in projects without violating copyright
    • American Indian Histories and Cultures database - with one of the strongest archival collections on American Indian history in the world.
    • American West database - which explores American expansion from the early eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century through multiple primary resources
    • TexQuest databases - which includes Student Resource Junior and Infotrac Newstand
  • For Follett Shelf ebooks - students now have accounts within the Destiny Follet Shelf library catalog so they can check out and read ebooks for free on their devices. Teachers can do so, too. More info coming about how the non-fiction ebooks can be used for text analysis.
  • For the Dallas Morning News online - with the Sunday-only subscription print version received every Monday at FSMS, teachers and students have access to the DMN online econtent!
  • For amazing FSMS teachers who daily guide and instruct their students. I'm here to give teachers and students a L.I.F.T (more info about this coming soon)! 
Happy Thanksgiving!

Mrs. Shuffield